Green-eared and fresh out of college, I stepped into the frenetic world of full-time ministry on November 15, 2000 while also pursuing my Master's Degree.
Today marks exactly 24 years as a pastor.
I wish I could say that I have it all figured out.
I don't.
In fact, the longer I'm in ministry, the more I realize how much I don't know.
But there's nothing else like it: serving people, sharing Christ's love, and turning the world upside-down.
For what it's worth, here's 24 Tips from Serving 24 Years as a Pastor:
- Always Choose Grace > Guilt
When your default is to believe the best about someone instead of jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst, God is honored and people are respected. - Complexity is the norm.
Leadership decisions are not always black and white. When you are working with people, there is so much more complexity in leading and solving problems. Some days, the only thing a leader can pray is this: "We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on You” (2 Chronicles 20:21). - You'll never feel 100% certain before making a decision. Never.
Leadership is not about making the big decisions; it's about owning the decisions after they've been made! - Remember, it's always about People > Programs.
If you're holed up in your office surfing the web, you are doing ministry wrong. - Get a Mentor.
Paul had a Timothy and Timothy had a Titus. Learn from leaders who have gone before you. Don't wait for them to give you advice; have a list of written questions ahead of time to ask them! Always maintain a posture of humility.
I am so thankful for my mentors over these past 20 years: Jeff Miller, Perry Noble, and Bob Goff. - Focus on Quality, not Quantity.
It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be amazing! Ruthlessly evaluate your weekend experiences and make it better. - However long you lead,
keep dripping with Gratitude and Grace. - Get Used To Unfair Criticism.
When you sign up to be a leader of an organization, it means sometimes you will give up the right to be treated right.
(see: Moses in Numbers, King David in 1 Samuel, Jesus in the Gospels, Paul in Acts 16, etc). - Size Doesn't Matter.
Do not despise the days of small beginnings (I remember when our church start-up could fit inside my living room!). Appreciate the privilege of leading and the journey of growth. Whether you're serving three people or three thousand people, always bring your A-Game and leave them wanting more! - Choose to Cheat
11. You're Going to Make Mistakes.
Take it from me. You will blow it.
When you do, own it. The most powerful two words a leader can offer
to begin rebuilding trust are, "I'm Sorry."12. Gossip is a Weak Man's Strength.
Tell your team and model these words always:
"I will never say anything about you that I would not first say to you."
Always choose to have a conversation over condemnation!
"Whoever overlooks an offense promotes love,
but whoever gossips about it separates friends." (Proverbs 17:9)13. Always Take the High Road.
You will honor God plus there's less traffic!14. Never listen to criticism
from someone you would not turn to for wisdom.15. Leaders are Readers.
The moment you stop reading is the moment you stop leading.16. Integrity Matters.
King David wrote:"I will keep a protective eye on the godly,
so they may dwell with me in safety.
Only those who are ABOVE REPROACH will be allowed to serve me." (Psalm 101:6-7)
17. The Friends You Have History With
Aren't Necessarily Who You Will Make History With.18. Create Margin in Your Daily Schedule for Interruptions.
Read Matthew chapters 6 - 8 and count how many times Jesus gets interrupted by people. He always made time for everyone. Every person matters. Your ministry will flow from the interruptions.
19. Greatness Is Never On Sale.
Complacency is not an option.If your church does not evangelize, it will eventually fossilize!
NEVER APOLOGIZE for attempting to fulfill the Great Commission.Stop making EXCUSES and start making a DIFFERENCE.
Hustle and make it happen!
20. Never Give Up. Jesus is God, the Bible is true, Hell is hot and forever is a long time. Your part in eternity matters, so don't throw in the towel!
21. Keep the Welcome Mat Out and the Front Door Open. When people leave you, don't become bitter. Don't burn bridges. Keep the welcome mat out and the front door wide open to reconciliation!
22. Don't Be in Ministry for the Money. If getting rich is your goal, find a new job. You won't get rich and in fact you'll probably end up sacrificing a lot for your ministry. That's normal and it is a privilege when it happens.
23. Limping is Normal. The best leaders walk with a limp and the best football players play hurt. No pity parties when this happens; pick yourself up and press forward in faith.24. The Best Is ALWAYS Yet To Come!
Your best days are not behind you... they are AHEAD of you. Don't build a museum to the past. Instead forge a movement for the future.In the end, you get Jesus. That means that no matter what trials you face, the best is always yet to come!