Core Values are important in any organization as they articulate the kind of organization we dream of becoming.
Putting into words the culture you are seeking to model into existence is hard work.
During my recent doctoral studies, I've been refreshing Life Church's Core Values for the journey ahead.
For what it's worth, here are our Core Values, Version 2.0...
We Are United Under One Vision
To reach the people no one else is reaching, we will do the things no one else is doing.
We will do anything short of sin to reach people far from God.
We will unapologetically and aggressively defend our unity and vision.
Every Person Matters
All people are image-bearers of God and are wonderfully made.
Because every person matters, relationships are not disposable.
We will always choose conversation over condemnation.
We will always seek to maintain the relationship over winning the argument.
We choose honesty over hypocrisy and gospel over gossip.
We Strive for Integrity, Transparency & Accountability
We do not gossip or spread rumors. No insider politics here.
Full of honor and integrity, we will choose to do the right thing even when it hurts.
Our position is to out-love, out-serve, and out-give those who misunderstand us.
Because we have nothing to hide, we value humble transparency in all areas, including finances.
Everyone is accountable to someone at Life Church.
Found People Find People
We will put more effort into reaching the Lost than keeping the Found.
We will never allow this lifeboat to become a yacht club.
We will spare no expense because the just-one-more is worth it.
We will celebrate every story because every person matters.
Saved People Serve People
“... just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." (Jesus in Matthew 20:28)
Becoming more like Jesus means we focus on serving others.
When we take the spotlight off ourselves and place it on other people, it will result in improving our marriages, making a difference in our workplaces and discovering our spiritual gifts.
We are never more like Christ than when we see Sunday mornings as our mission field.
Growing People Change
Jesus accepts us as we are, but He loves us too much to let us stay that way.
Over time, the Lord changes us from the inside out.
Colossians 3:9-10 reminds us that we have "taken off the old self" and "put on the new self."
Once we know Jesus, we can’t go back to the people we were before.
As we listen to Jesus and do what He says, our desires change.
We begin to think and act and love as He did.
I Cannot Out-Give God
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (Jesus in John 3:16)
It is a spiritual impossibility for us to outgive God, because He has already given us everything.
Everything belongs to God and we are simply managers of God's stuff.
When we give, we’re giving God back a small portion of what He’s already given us.
Jesus is Our Only Celebrity
We celebrate the contributions of God's servants to our spiritual education and formation,
but we look to Jesus above all others and put our hope in Him alone.
Movements Move
We are not Atari, we are Apple.
We believe in humor over hammer.
We will always maintain a posture of humility and learning new methods for reaching people far from God.
We will always narrow the focus in all we do. We think steps, not programs.