10 years ago today I became the church planter of Life Church.
We had no people, no money, no facility, and no clue!
It was just me and my wife Amber Herron plus official-looking incorporation paperwork from the IRS saying we were a “real church.”
So much has happened during these first 10 years:
• hundreds of salvations
• hundreds of baptisms
• lots of weddings + baby dedications
• four adoptions in our family
• two additional Life Church campus launches
• COVID campus closures
• new friendships
• loss of friendships
• ten Ministry Interns
• welcoming special guests to our Mainstage including Bob Goff, Perry Noble, and Blessid Union of Souls
• partnering with Converge MidAmerica and The Timothy Initiative to plant more churches
• indirectly helping launch two new churches in our region (!)
• experiencing 2 Timothy 4
• praying for Acts 2
• hosting two church leadership training events
• becoming 2019’s 11th fastest-growing church in America according to Outreach Magazine
• discovering new friends and new adventures together
Church planting is extremely hard work. Amber and I couldn’t dream of a better labor of love to invest our lives into.
Thankful for our Lifers and thankful that in Christ, the best is always YET to come! (Ephesians 3:20)
“Who is Apollos, really? Or who is Paul? Aren’t we both just servants through whom you believed our message? Aren’t each of us doing the ministry the Lord has assigned to us?
I planted the church, and Apollos came and cared for it, but it was God who caused it to grow.
This means the one who plants is not anybody special, nor the one who waters, for God is the one who brings the supernatural growth.” (1 Corinthians 3:5-7, TPT)
I am the founding pastor of Life Church, recognized in 2019 as the fastest-growing church in Michigan and 11th fastest-growing church in America.
I am focused on strategic leadership and engaging teaching, all fueled by a gnawing passion for reaching people far from God.
My unique ministry approach has been featured online in Time Magazine, USA Today, The Detroit News, MLive and The Washington Times.
Married twenty-three years to my high school sweetheart, I have five children plus a wiener dog with a nervous bladder.