“Righteousness guards the man of integrity.” (Proverbs 13:6, NIV)
“Righteousness is like a shield of protection, guarding those who keep their integrity.” (Proverbs 13:6, TPT)
My greatest prayer for my children — beyond them discovering a saving knowledge and true faith in Jesus Christ — is that they would grow to become men and women brimming with honor and integrity.
The pathway to integrity begins at home and extends through the local church. This past year, the Lord has graciously allowed Amber Herron and I opportunities to suffer well in front of our children and model taking the high road (1 Peter 1:2).
What can feel like an extended season of burdens and curses to Amber and I is in reality a God-ordained blessing for the sanctification of our children, primarily our older three.
Jesus taught us to bless those who curse you and love your enemies.
Not *like* your enemies; *love* your enemies.
While turning the other cheek doesn’t feel good in my flesh, it honors God and inspires people to be walking in the Spirit.
That’s my heart for my children this Father’s Day: that God’s grace would continue to be poured out upon Team Herron, enabling us to continue taking the harder and nobler path of integrity and honor.
Jesus never fought back. Christ didn’t curse those who hurt Him or withdraw from those who misunderstood Him; Jesus literally *prayed for* His accusers.
Integrity teaches us that your greatest display of strength is in holding your tongue and not fighting back.
By God’s enduring grace, I pray I can be that kind of man for my family.