- Revelation 2 -- "Return to your first love"
- The Gospel is not the ABCs of Christianity; it's the A to Z of Christianity!
- Social Media pushes an 'Us vs Them' mindset
- Jesus always walked TOWARD people, not AWAY!
- Acts 19 contains 4 marks of a healthy church
- 1. Don't lose focus!
- Acts 19 -- Church People stubbornly criticized Paul (!)
- Paul remained laser-focused
- Paul reached all of Asia in just 2 years!
- Paul wasn't trying to make church insiders happy.
- 2. Acts 19:11-12 -- There has to be a clear Quarterback
- Are you trying to make a point or make a difference?
- Avoid Flying Monkeys!
- The enemy knows he doesn't need to DESTROY you, he just needs to DISTRACT you!
- Check your heart during this political season.
- Flying Monkeys will try to distract you!
- 3. 7 Sons of Sceva -- Every quarterback plays hurt!
- Politicians that trade insults are not leaders...They're disappointing.
- The only people who throw rocks are Pharisees.
- Taking shots at people is not the Way of Jesus.
- 4. Acts 19:18-20 --- The local church was a safe place to confess sin without fear of being rejected.
- If you want to change the world, there WILL be a personal cost!
- The local church in Acts 19 was committed to loving one another.
- They publicly confessed their sins and secrets -- that is what the local church can be and should be!
- Life Church is committed to No Gossip.
- Got a beef? Don't go to a backyard barbecue and build a posse...Go to the person! Go immediately, personally, privately, and humbly.
- Gossip is not a Fruit of the Spirit.
- Bearing false witness is not a Fruit of the Spirit.
- Passive-aggressiveness is not a Fruit of the Spirit.
- Nobody is perfect. If you're perfect, you must be Jesus!
- Life Church is a hospital for sinners!
- Instead of throwing rocks, throw grace!
- "A lot of people are saying..." NOPE! That is not validation for your argument... that is sin.
- "His kindness leads to repentance"
- John 13:34-35
- Love one another. Period.
- True followers of Christ are known by how they love one another.
- Produce good fruit!
- We will value conversation over condemnation.
- We will value maintaining the relationship over winning the argument.
'Sometimes the best wisdom is to not speak much at all.
There are situations such that nearly any words will make conditions worse.' (Tim Keller)
- John 17:20-23
- Jesus prayed that we would be marked by radical unity and grace!
- Choose to build bridges, not burn them!
- We will choose honesty over hypocrisy.
- Every one of us has a ministry, and it doesn't come with a paycheck or a pat on the back. Jesus said to pick up your cross!