That's how I feel less than a week out from launching WEEKLY worship services out of SVSU!
We are thisclose to the realization of a dream:
a fun, life-giving church that our family would be excited about going to on Sunday mornings.
Its the culmination of a long, 17-month journey.
As we enter final preparations, a couple things you can pray for:
- Adam Downer as he moves from Florida to Michigan right now!
- our awesome new Life Band, as they speed date and gel fast this week with Adam
- the 45,000+ invite cards that have hit area mailboxes (Luke 14:23!!)
- pray for unity and flexibility among our Lifers who will be serving
- that as we worship and display the Risen One that He will draw all people to Himself
- for God's special favor as we launch a fresh new church from scratch.
This week my mind is wrapped in the words from Erwin McManus:
God fears nothing and no one. God moves with intentionality and power.
To live outside God's will puts us in danger, but to LIVE IN HIS WILL makes us DANGEROUS. When we begin to seize our divine moments, we do not begin to live risk-free, but instead become FREE TO RISK.