I'm not a prophet, I'm not the son of a prophet, and I work for a non-profit organization,
but believe me when I say,
the World is NOT going to END on December 21st!
this is a CRAZY prediction not based on Scripture!
In fact, I can't wait to see the press release that will have to put out on December 22nd... when the predicted worldwide cataclysm fails to materialize!
The people putting all their poker chips on the Mayans are eating too many Fruit Loops and have gone coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.
Deuteronomy 18 is clear on this one:
You may say to yourselves, 'How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?' If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD DOES NOT take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken.
I'm sure Mayan-groupies are sincere in their beliefs... but they are sincerely wrong.
Just as every family has a wacky black sheep uncle that you don't understand yet love anyway, we want to love these folks... without stockpiling waterbottles, canned goods, and AK-47's!
I mean, think about it.
Seriously, am I to worry about a bunch of old school Mayans who "predicted" the end of all civilization yet TOTALLY MISSED THE BOAT on predicting their own civilization's end?! Really?!
(By the way: the ancient Mayan calendar did not account for Leap Years. That means that the date for the end of the world was actually about seven or eight months ago!)