Previously: We are United Under One Vision
Our vision and passion at Life Church is to
Reach the Lost at Any Cost.
Knowing what we're about makes decision-making happen faster in our organization. If it propels our vision forward, we're interested. If it has nothing to do with our church's vision, we move on.
If we're about reaching people far from God, we have to mobilize Christ-followers who want to help make heaven crowded! That's where our Life Code's second principle comes in:
Found People Find People
Jesus was very clear when He shared this principle with His followers:
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do?
Won't he LEAVE the ninety-nine others and SEARCH for the LOST one?
I believe to the core of my being that the church is a RESCUE ORGANIZATION, not a social club!
When I read the Bible, I don't see Christ-followers sitting around in quilting clubs debating theology... I see a passionate movement of sold-out Found people hitting the streets in search of Lost people (just like Jesus)!
If I'm Found...
- If Jesus Christ was tortured, slaughtered, and killed for MY sins
- If Jesus Christ rose from the dead by His own power
- If Jesus Christ spent tons of time in the homes of people far from God
- If Jesus Christ commissioned His followers to go and do likewise...
...then I want to exhaust my life by finding people and pointing them to Jesus Christ!
At Life Church, Found People Find People. This means that we will not cater to personal preference in our mission to engage the Great Lakes Bay Region. We are more concerned with the people we are trying to reach than the people we are trying to keep. We are only as "deep" as the last person we served!
I'm excited about the journey ahead and would love to have you join us!
Life Church launches THIS Sunday! Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook.
You can also register for our Life 101 Class on Sep 26th!