Thanks for visiting this live blog. Make sure you hit REFRESH throughout the day.
NOTES - Craig Groeschel, pastor and author
- Bridging the Generation Gap
- There's too much tension in the ministry world today.
- Older generation: Don't resent, fear, or judge the next generation. BELIEVE in them because they need you!
- God values maturity; if you're not dead, you're not done!
- Innovative idea for multi-site came from a 75-year-old pastor.
- Don't just delegate tasks (creates followers), delegate authority (creates leaders).
- Be yourself! Younger generation says that authenticity trumps cool!
- Become a spiritual father - - Psalm 71:18
- Honor publicly results in influence privately.
- Mark 6:4-6 - - lack of honor and faith limits everything. Honor builds up, dishonor tears down. Honor believes the best, dishonor assumes the worst. Dishonor is a lack of love.
- "Well, when you're honorable, I'll show you honor." NO! Respect is earned BUT honor is given!!
That's completes Day One. Thanks for following this blog today.
If you liked what you saw, you might want to subscribe via RSS or email.
We'll be back tomorrow with Day Two live blogging. Good night!
Carly Fiorina just took the stage - - spoke at the Summit a few years back about her book, Tough Choices. She spent 5 years listed by Fortune Magazine as most powerful female executive in the world.
She's sharing her personal story - a mega-church was last place she thought she'd find herself speaking at. - praying with Bill Hybels prior to that interview calmed her. She had viewed God as a massive super-CEO of the universe (deism) who wasn't intimately involved in our lives. She saw virgin birth, resurrection, etc as powerful allegories, but not historical fact.
Hybels kept checking in with her over the following year: "His persistence kept me pondering the contours of faith." Realized that the hallmarks of science such as quarks and protons are signs of the miraculous. Proof that God knows all in detail, not in broad strokes.
Father died. Then in February 2009, she was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. Chemo, radiation, yet peace did not leave her; she did not fear death. She realized that cancer had brought blessings in a profound way. This all paled in comparison later to her daughter's death from inner demons. This all led to her husband telling Carly that he had lost his faith.
A few days before Fathers' Day, he discovered in the garage a long-forgotten box of handwritten letters from his daughter. God used these to answer his prayers.
"Life is measured in love and contribution and moments of grace. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."
Wow, what a classy, personal message.
Gungor is playing. I think Mr. Gungor looks like a human muppet.
Like if Animal were real but was a really nice guy and learned to play the banjo.
Break before today's final speaker, Craig Groeschel.
Thought I'd take a minute to thank this site's host, Phil Owen. He's a case-study in being Kingdom-minded: the guy tracks me down online after hearing we're starting a new church in this region. We meet up for coffee, he asks to hear our story, and just oozes with compassion and encouragement.
What I love about Phil is that even though he's been pastoring in this region for nearly a decade, he is not territorial or competitive or worried about "that new church coming to town." In fact, Phil is cheering on our efforts, offering to help and share resources where he can. Wow!
I truly believe that God blesses leaders who are humble, generous and open-handed. Phil is that kind of leader and I appreciate his friendship. I can't wait to see what God does in our region through the efforts of not just one church, but many cheering each other on.
If you live in the U.S., you have won the lottery of life. Now, what are you going to do with it (your freedom, wealth, security)? - Sheryl Wudunn
NOTES - Marc Kielburger, co-founder of Free the Children
- "I told the guy I work for a non-profit. He said, 'Oh, you work for Chrysler?'"
- "Communication & alignment. Communication & alignment. Communication & alignment."
- Harvard Leadership Study: Leaders undercommunicate by a factor of TEN.
This guy is speaking so fast, bouncing out of his chair... love his passion, but holy smokes, let us take a breath, Speedy Gonzalez!
- Gift + Issue = Better World
- Look for young people who have empathy. When you communicate empathy, you create passion.
- Show, not Tell. Shameless idealism!
- One billion young people between ages of 12-18. One billion. This is the future. First generation that could end poverty in one lifetime. But they don't turn 18 and develop a social conscience...
"Trust your curiousity. Don't worry about having the next question, wait for the next question to come to you." - Jim Collins
Kevin Olusola is cello-boxing; he's part of the dynamic acapella group, Pentatonix. They just released an EP over on iTunes that you should totally go get.
"You can have all the talent in the world - but if you're not humble, people won't listen." - Kevin Olusola
Back from lunch. A tasty concoction from Quizno's. That place always reminds me of the singing squirrel-pirate commercials they had about ten years ago. I miss those squirrel-pirates.
While we're waiting for the next speaker, here's a quick update on my new book.
I've actually had a couple people come up to me and say, "Hey, how's the book coming along?" Which is cool, because that means the word is trickling out.
My response: "I really have no idea what I'm doing." The manuscript is in my editor's hands and we're entering the period of edits, re-writes, and other important sounding literary terms. But I really have no idea what I'm doing; I've never written a book before.
I'll actually have a better update for you all on Monday. Be sure to tune into it as I need your help with something. You can also sign up for the freshest of fresh updates here:
Ok, one last restroom break and then back to live-blogging the Global Leadership Summit.
If you're just joining in, the good news is the quest has been accomplished: we have Monkees tickets!
Now we're blogging leadership notes.
Ok, off to lunch. Seacrest Out.
NOTES from Jim Collins
Author of Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall, Built to Last, and Great by Choice
- 2 Teams Race to Antarctica: 34 days separated the teams' arrivals. Entirety of Team 2 died on way back. Why do some enterprises thrive in uncertainty and chaos when facing forces outside their control while others do not?
- Turns out that the differences in leadership behaviors matter.
- What were those differences?
- Level 5 Leader (Humility combined with Will)
- Fanatic Discipline: 20 Mile March every single day, regardless of conditions. Applies to marriage too! Consistent, consecutive performance. Biggest levers of change have consistent approach. Mediocrity's signature is chronic inconsistency.
- Empirical Creativity: Eskimoes tell you not to use ponies, use dogs. Calibrated cannonballs work! Blend creativity and discipline for innovation. Creativity is natural; discipline is not.
- Productive Paranoia: The only mistakes you can learn from are the ones you survive! Translate your paranoia into buffers before times are tough. ...So that you can be strong when people need you most.
- SMeC Recipe - Specific, Methodical, and Consistent. The greatest danger is not failure, the greatest danger is to become successful without knowing why you became successful.
- Follow your recipe with discipline and extend your reach when you stimulate progress.
- The Twist: What is the role of luck/bad events/providence/miracle? You didn't cause it, creates big consequence, it was a surprise.
- Result of cancer = new mantra: "Life is about people, and time with people you love." Getting a high return on a twist in life.
- "What is my responsibility in the midst of this unexpected event?" How to use a bad event as a defining moment that deepens purpose. It is the height of your responsibility not to squander it.
- Greatness is not a result of circumstance; it is a conscious result of choice.
- Great friends say, "I am always here for you. You are never really alone."
Q&A with Condoleezza Rice (moderated by Bill Hybels)
- Bill loves Condi's phrase over the years for pushy people: "With all due respect..." How often did she come up with that?
- Condi: "I actually like debate; don't mind verbal-combat. As long as you're being respectful for their position, they will respect yours."
- Most dangerous leader Condi encountered? Leader of Sudan. Why? When somebody is as brutal toward his own people, its a proxy for something else.
- On politics within a leadership team: Can't be a Shrinking Violet. Tough, big personalities under stress = people become more of who they really are. Keep civil relations. Remind people what we're trying to do together. Never allow it to become personal. Get away together.
- Sometimes its less the people themselves; its people at a lower level around them egging them on.
- Policy dispute? Don't play the Resignation Card unless you're prepared to follow through.
- When you're in position of authority, you need truth-tellers around you.
- Before you share private stories of people in authority, ask their permission. Keeps the trust.
Bill just told Condi she is imminantly qualified to be president of the U.S. with her vision and experience. What is role of faith in not pursuing politics? (Great question!)
- "I know I love policy; I don't love politics." Need a different DNA.
- Calling is key. Feels called to public service, doesn't have to be through elective office.
- Condi's expectations when going to church: quiet time with God, a message that make her leave thinking, "I never thought of it that way," that is biblically-grounded.
- John Ortberg is her pastor.
LIVE NOTES: Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. Secretary of State
- "I will give you the answer to the question. No, not THAT question." Condi is awesome!
- 3 Big Shocks:
1. 9/11 - physical security is never the same; Afghanistan War worse than War of 1812
2. Global Financial Shock - we have to rethink economic prosperity
3. Arab Spring - authoritarianism is never stable. Chelcheska Moment starts with just one person yelling, "Liar!" What protects dictator from the crowd breaks down. All that's left in between is anger, and anger is hard to create reform. Reform killed by revolution; revolutions are difficult to control.
- Those who govern you have to ask for that right - this is democracy, but not freedom.
- Democracy is institutionalization of freedoms.
- With rights come responsibility. This is what makes the freedom of democracy stable.
- "My ancestors were, in the Consitution, 3/5ths of a man. It's taken us a long time to get our democracy to this place."
- Democracy cannot mean the tyranny of the minority - leads to instability. The strong cannot exploit the weak. This is not just the work of government - - they cannot put into the heart of every person the understanding/belief that there should be no weak links.
- In democracy, every life is worthy. There are no kings/queens/permanent stations in life (would lead to instability). If every life is worthy, every life is capable of greatness. We have an obligation to have the opportunity provided.
- "We are equals before God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... How can anyone be more worthy than anyone? No matter the depth of our sin, our Lord Jesus Christ died for each and every one of us."
- The Church, when it goes out into the world, has a responsibility to act like every life is worthy. The Church delivers COMPASSION - - this is something no government can deliver; only the Church!
- Want to give compassion to an AIDS orphan or trafficked individual? Give them the opportunity for education.
- With education, it doesn't matter where you came from, it matters where you're going.
- Jesus called disciples from ORDINARY people to LEAD and HELP people. Can we be asked to do anything less?
- Biggest Quality of a Leader? Irrepressible Optimist - nobody wants to follow a sour-puss! How to stay optimisitic in difficult times? Keep perspective!
- Imagine leading in World War II. 1946 - Communism on the rise. 1948 - Berlin crisis splits Germany. 1949 - Soviet Union explodes nuclear weapon. 1950 - Korean War breaks out. Today's headlines and history's judgments are rarely in line. Helps keep perspective.
- Out of struggle comes victory. After Friday, there would be Sunday.
- Lincoln: You are driven to your knees when you have no place else to go.
- Romans 5 helped Condi Rice over the years on world stage - "we glory also in our sufferings..."
- What seems impossible now seems inevitable in retrospect.
Wow, Condoleezza Rice's life story is absolutely remarkable. I had no idea what she endured and went through.
- Don't accept the world as it is, work for the world as it should be.
Seriously, I am super-impressed with Dr. Rice. Her talk makes me want to watch her earlier speeches over the years.
Here's my view:
That's Phil releasing us to use the restrooms. See, I told you he had movie star looks.
Waiting for Condi Rice to speak... (keep hitting REFRESH for live updates).
In the meantime, yes, you can breathe easy. I did get awesome tickets for The Monkees tour in November. I've been a Monkees fan for YEARS (been to four live concerts!). Michael Nesmith joining Micky and Peter? Hasn't happened since 1969. Gonna be good.
Ok, David Gergen is introing Condi Rice.
I love Gergen. Just saying his last name makes me smile. Try it: Gergen.
And he rocks the comb-over like no one else on CNN.
"Don't assign board members with low emotional intelligence to have tough conversations with a senior pastor. These are delicate conversations." --- Truth!
- Leaders, don't paint the picture of "there" until you build the case for why you can't stay "here."
- When is the vision MOST vulnerable? Not at beginning (people energized!) or at end (burst of energy released); it's in the middle (keep people motivated, focused).
- When have I been most vulnerable over the course of my leadership? Not in the first 15 years; you're running on pure adrenaline.
- In the middle 15 years, you learn you are not invincible: mistakes catch up, betrayals from "friends," can't see finish line yet, play Hindsight Game. God protects you during the middle years and CARRIES you in the middle 15 years.
- Bill can see the Finish Line now. Feels growing surge of excitement to finish well. Still wants to see Lost people get Found. Believes Willow has untapped horsepower. Determined to leave Willow totally debt-free.
- "Our worst days of leadership are still better than just being an onlooker."
- Savor every day you get the privilege to lead.
Bill is wrapping up and getting choked up.
Next speaker: Condoleezza Rice. Excited to hear from Mitt Romney's pick for VP.
Just kidding. We all know Romney will pick a Chick-Fil-A sandwich for VP.
Ok, again kidding. It's ok to laugh a little, regardless of your political party!
Transition Plan for Willow Creek
- Planning Phase - everything needs to surface: whose job is this? Timeframe? How will church honor the pastor who has given their life to this church?
- Willow's timeframe = 5-10 years
- Phase 2: Find Internal Candidate to succeed Hybels
- Phase 3: Can't find internal? Go external.
- Phase 4: Actual transition itself. Successor identified, increase their responsibility, decrease Bill's over 18 month period.
Bill Hybels on Succession Planning
- Bill doesn't like the term, "mega-church."
Are we about to get some big news on Willow's succession plan?
NOTES - Bill Hybels, senior pastor of Willow Creek
- "Everyone wins when a leader gets better... Leaders humble themselves to learn from whomever they can"
- Luke 8 = 75% rejection ratio of gospel seed planting. The seed-rejection ratio is high.
- "Instead of complaining about how few trees there are now, maybe I should plant more seeds!"
- Bill Hybels hates cats. Shares awesome story of how a guy can live right next door to freakin' Willow Creek Church and not realize they are a church! (He thought they were a college campus).
- "Whether you like it or not, your whole organization takes its seed-sowing cues from YOU."
- Leaders: Stay Curious and Stay Experimental! Auto-pilot leads to entropy.
Observation: Bill's shirt blends in with the background. It's like we're looking at a Hybels floating head on our video screen. Cool.
- Self-leadership = YOU are the most difficult person you will ever lead!
Work Habits of a Leader
- Leaders assume TIME is valuable. Nope. ENERGY and ability to ENERGIZE OTHERS is most valuable.
- Conserve energy; disregard second-tier activities.
Bill is talking about finding energy bursts. Can't we just get him a Red Bull or something?
Bill is talking about 6x6 leadership. Cool concept, but you know some of the "discernment" blogs are going to use that to tie Bill to Revelation's 666.
- God hasn't called you to move stuff around; He's called you to move the organization ahead.
- Leadership matters.
Guess who got amazing seats for the Monkees concert in Philly?!
Bill Hybels was saying something about Thanksgiving turkeys as Ticketmaster confirmed my quest's success. Amazeballs! I may share more about the Monkees later, but now to some live blogging from the Global Leadership Summit.
Welcome back - remember to hit 'refresh' throughout the day for updates.
Ok, arrived safe and sound at our venue - New Covenant Church in Clio, Michigan. Their senior pastor, Phil, hooked me up with comp tickets. Phil is a great guy and is pretty much the handsomest pastor I've ever met. Thanks for the tix, Phil!
Now I need to settle in and prepare for the Summit to begin while also trying to grab Monkees tickets. You see, Michael Nesmith hasn't toured with the Monkees since 1969, so this is a big deal in Monkee-land.
My wife has been dragged to three different Monkee concerts over the years. Amber has a love-hate relationship with the Monkees: she loves to hate them. She's not excited about my quest, but since the concert is exactly one week after my birthday, it makes for a great birthday/Christmas present.
Crossing fingers that I can get tickets while also absorbing Bill Hybels' wisdom. Wish me luck.
The original plan today was to live blog notes, observations, and general silliness throughout today's Global Leadership Summit.
The idea is that you can check back here throughout the day, hit refresh, and get the latest.
Then The Monkees announced a tour yesterday with tickets going on sale today at 10am.
Right. When. Hybels. Speaks.
And so today's live blog becomes a quest for leadership wisdom... and Monkees tickets.
Enjoy the updates!