I continue to be amazed, humbled, and genuinely thankful for what the Lord is doing within our church start-up! After a handful of Informational Meetings this past January and February, we held our very first Launch Team Gathering this past Sunday and, WOW, good times are ahead! We saw 30 grace-addicts gather to dream out-loud and believe again:
You can grab my message to our launch team here.
After nearly a year of zero preaching, I felt a little rusty :)
Our weekly gatherings are wide-open to anyone who feels far from God (lost), moving on from a messed-up church experience (let-down), or anyone genuinely passionate about reaching our region for the Kingdom (looking).
The plan is to gather every Sunday, 11am at the Arrowhead Golf Club (until we outgrow the facilities). We have fun, God-centered kids ministry while the teens and adults gather for teaching, encouragement, and planning for our future public launch.
The 3 big milestones toward officially launching Life Church that I outlined for our launch team:
- LOCATION - Our long-term vision is to launch multiple campuses throughout the Great Lakes Bay Region. Why? Because there are thousands and thousands of people in our generation who don't know Jesus!!
The first site for Life Church has not yet been determined. While we're exploring different opportunities, we're still waiting on God to give the green light. - FORTY-ONE - That's the minimum number of committed, sold-out teens and adults we want on our launch team before we launch public worship services. Church planting statistics show that having 41 or more fully-committed servant-leaders is absolutely key to thriving ministry.
- 50in50 - We are starting from scratch! Right now it's all about individuals and families giving their full tithe to a new venture in great faith. It's been incredible to see donations pouring in from all over: Caro, Saginaw, Pennsylvania, Iowa, South Carolina, Arizona - - wow! I love seeing the Body minister to the Body!!
Building a culture of radical generosity is important to our church start-up. We believe that if we can get at least $50k in the bank, we're in good shape for taking some huge steps of faith! You can watch last week's E.T. video here and give online here.
Very, very excited to be part of a church forming from the ground up - - there is so much freedom and creativity to passionately reach people far from God!
Looking forward to gathering again this coming Sunday! Be sure to check out our Facebook e-vite...