Jonathan Herron: Soooooo, about that "resignation" last summer...

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Mark Ricco

Thanks for answering my question and, wow, thanks for having the guts to share and the integrity not to throw stones.

Sadly, I heard this kind of story over and over again in church world.

Thank goodness for the Gospel.

I already am plugged into a church I love and tithe to, but i'd love to give extra to your church plant. How can I do that?


Thanks for your kind words, Mark.

Appreciate your encouragment - - I spent weeks working on this post and had many friends walk through it with me to ensure it was God-glorifying and helped bring closure to a messy situation.

Ya, wow, we would be honored to receive your support! You can give online here:

Thank you and God bless!


It didn't feel right when the announcement was made. Please know that many of your congregation were shocked and brokenhearted by the news - and we are BEYOND excited that God led you to start LifeChurch. It's going to be awesome.
Your family and ministry are always in my prayers :D


Jon - thanks so much for sharing your version... you know the gossip mill runs wild in any community. From someone who's been conflicted and confused... I appreciate hearing both sides. I pray that God blesses Life Church, no matter where my personal decision to worship may fall. Things definitely feel different when I attend Sunday mornings. Your approach drew me in, your messages were easy to understand, and I always appreciated that. Keep up the great work, God gave you an amazing gift!


Thank you for your encouragement and kindness, Kelly and Liz. Like we shared, we are not here to compete with the Body, but hopefully to complete the Body. God bless you.

Jodi Wark Sakon

So glad you shared and did it in such a way of not bashing anyone (even if they deserve it) I along with so many others can't wait to hear you preach again!!

Kelly Clark

It was worded perfectly, I think. The whole thing was so 'hush-hush' - I felt that it left people questioning your integrity - and that is not cool. Way to be an awesome example of Christ's love. I am SO looking forward to this fall!!

Kelly Limberger

This is amazing. Some people just don't get it. I truly believe that God only leads you to where you need to be in life. This was just apart of his plan. You've always been one of my favorite! Good luck to your future! God is with you! :)

Jamie Wilson

I just wanted to tell you how very proud I am to be your's and Amber's friend. Good for you. Anyone that knows your family, knows your good heart. Love you guys.

Shelley Beedle

We just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to get to know Amber and youself. Also,thank you for all the support and prayers thru our tough time.

Stephanie Storey Sellers

Your reply was very classy. I know I am your aunt, but I am impressed.

Sharon Herron

Read your reply today. We are thankful to God that you finally had this opportunity to share in a most mature and gracious manor the reason for your separation from the Colwood Church. We too love you and understand what you have gone through in this journey. You are continually in our thoughts and prayers. We feel so BLESSED to have such a wise and wonderful son & family! God bless you now and always! (Prov. 3:5-6). PS--Looking forward to meeting our new granddaughter!

Josh Allen

Hey bro- I wanted to say thanks for dealing with the subject in a classy way. You've done that not only here on your blog but also in our private conversations- says a lot about who you are and what God has done in you. I'm confident that God will bless you and Amber for how you've handled everything. Praying for God's healing touch on you and that he would give you your wildest dreams with LifeChurch. Much love- Josh

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