I've been blogging since 2003 about life, comedy, and ministry (not always in that order).
Sometimes my blog posts have been awesome, othertimes they've been like Yoda reading C.S. Lewis aloud in a crowded elevator curiously featuring early 1980's Phil Collins muzak.
I'm at a place in life where I crave clarity and want to reboot how I blog.
Why now? Over the past 6 months, I've lived within the verses of Genesis 26:12-25. And yet I can say that from start to finish, God is great, good, glorious, and gracious. Genesis 50:20 is true - - we are seeing life take root!
My wife also has a great blog series this week born out of our experiences:
Wounds from the Church. You should check it out.
For now, I'm praying for verses 26-33 to happen.
And I'm rebooting this blog to fit our new adventure:
- Every Monday I'll be blogging Improv*ing Leadership. I learned a ton studying at Second City under Tina Fey and Martin de Maat. I want to share how the rules of creating comedy can be applied to leadership in the local church. Hopefully this will be helpful to you.
- Every Tuesday I'll be writing to our church start-up. We just want to reach the lost. That's it. Our agenda is to have a church where its ok to not be ok, a church for people who don't like going to church! I love Life Church Michigan and the people coming on board to make this vision a reality! It is truly a labor of love and once we launch weekly public worship services, we hope to see hundreds of lives transformed throughout our region (see John 10:10).
- Wednesdays and Thursdays I'll blog about adoption, church planting, or what I'm learning from God about leadership.
- And finally, Phridays are for Photos. Of course.
I'll also be opening up Comments for questions and encouraging thoughts.
So feel free to chat (although not anonymously).
You can subscribe to this blog here.
And you can always follow along over on the twitters or say hi on the facebook.
Thanks for understanding this reboot. Glad to have you along for the ride.