Twitter has such a short shelf life...
here's some blog-worthy quotes to fire you up:
Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear
and no concept of the odds against them. - Robert Jarvik
The best way to know the future is to invent it. - Steve Jobs
"How" is NEVER a problem for God! - Jeff Kapusta
The church's role is NOT to dig up dirt on people but to wipe the dirt off people and launch them into their destiny. - Matthew Barnett
How do I define gossip?
Any complaint passed to someone
not in a position to fix the problem. - Dave Ramsey
The only ones who fear failure
are those who have never tasted it. - Simon Sinek
The quicker you get up from failure
the more time you redeem for success. - Matthew Barnett
Our friends don't love us for what we do,
they love us for who we are. - Simon Sinek
That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse! - Walt Whitman
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world
are the ones who do. - Apple's Think Different campaign, 1997