Re-reading J. Oswald Sanders' Spiritual Leadership this week, I was struck by the raw truth borne out of Scripture in his words about the cost of leadership:
"The only thing Jesus took pains to show
after His resurrection were His scars...
Scars are the authenticating marks of
faithful discipleship and true spiritual leadership."
- Yes, ministry hurts sometimes.
Because the church is made up of messy people
(myself included!).
Messy people mess things up. Sheep bite shepherds.
But we have Jesus. And He is enough.
"Let no one cause me trouble,
for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus"
(Paul in Galatians 6.17)
- Paul was the counterintuitive leader.
Never pointing to his personal strengths and accomplishments.
He found his joy in pointing to Christ and Him crucified.
I desire that in my life - making Jesus famous in all things.
"Nietzsche believed that life always gets harder toward the summit - the cold gets colder, the wind stronger, the burden of responsibilities heavier."
- Yes. In my experience, prior to any spiritual breakthrough, Sanders' words ring true. Even in Jesus' day.
"Fatigue is the price of leadership.
Mediocrity is the result of never getting tired."
- I want to exhaust my life for Christ.
"Paul sought the favor of God, not of people.
His hard work was not to please those around him (Gal 1.10).
Nor was Paul terribly disturbed by criticism:
'I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court...
It is the Lord who judges me' (1 Cor 4.3-4).
- When its the Crowd, don't sweat it.
When its a Coach sent from the Lord, listen and respond.