For God gave us a spirit NOT OF FEAR but of power and love and self-control. - 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)
Everyone wrestles with fears. Most fears are learned.
In fact, babies are born with only two fears:
fear of falling and fear of loud noises.
All other fears are learned.
Paul wrote these words to Timothy in Greek.
The word for "fear" Paul used in the original language was "deilia,"
meaning one who flees battle.
Anxiety, stress, worrying. That's all deilia.
Jumping to the worst-case scenario in our heads.
And yet it doesn't have to be that way.
God didn't wire the human body to live in fear of life.
"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows,
but only empties TODAY of its STRENGTHS." - Spurgeon
Fear is not of God! Count how many times Jesus says, "Fear Not!"
When tempted to fear anything but the Lord, I'm encouraged by the precedence of Christians past.
Those who pressed into the Spirit to eclipse fear inspires:
During the Boxer Rebellion of 1899, terror was waged against Chinese Christians.
One church was surrounded by armed warriors.
The Christians inside were taunted as they saw a cross erected by the lone exit.
They were told that anyone who walked out and trampled the cross would be spared.
Seven students exited and did just that. They were sent on their way.
The eighth student, a young girl, approached the cross, knelt down in the dirt, prayed for strength, carefully walked around the cross, and was immediately shot to death.
The remaining 92 students, strengthened by the girl's courageous example, also walked around the cross to their deaths.
And the solution is to Fear-Less.
Press into the Spirit whom gives us power and love and self-control.
History records the dialogue below between John Chrysostom (circa 347 - 407) and the empress Eudoxia. Chrysostom was brought before her and threatened with banishment if he insisted on pointing people to Christ:
"You cannot banish me, for this world is my Father's house."
"But I will kill you," said the empress.
"No, you cannot, for my life is hid with Christ in God," said John.
"I will take away your treasures."
"No, you cannot, for my treasure is in heaven and my heart is there."
"But I will drive you away from your friends and you will have no one left."
"No, you cannot, for I have a Friend in heaven from whom you cannot separate me. I defy you, for there is nothing you can do to harm me."
God is not a God who gives us fear. He gives us faith.
It was John Wesley who once said,
"Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of God on earth."
Fearless. Fear-Less.