For what its worth, Jesus' Greatest Commandment is
a great jumping off point for New Year's resolutions:
4. "Love the Lord your God with all your... HEART."
Jesus never did anything half-hearted... He was ALL IN!
He didn't just walk up the heaving trail to Golgotha and then peter out...
He went all the way to the Cross!
Are you passionately pursuing God with ALL your HEART? Resolve in the New Year to double-down in following Jesus and throw your full weight into His Rescue Organization - the local church.
HEART BONUS: You can measure your progress by looking at your checkbook. How are you budgeting and spending God's money? After all, Jesus said that your heart is where your treasure is.
3. "Love the Lord your God with all your... SOUL."
Its easy to focus on the material and neglect the immaterial.
Resolve in the New Year to focus your spirit on the Spirit.
Of course I'm going to suggest nourishing your soul with regular rhythms of prayer, feasting on the ancient scriptures, etc. But if you're a guy who struggles to maintain a regular daily rhythm, allow me to suggest grabbing C.H. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening. 90 seconds in the AM and PM will help you jumpstart facetime with God.
2. "Love the Lord your God with all your... MIND."
What captures your imagination? What stirs your passions?
Who takes up most of your thinking? If your answer is not God, resolve in the New Year to wage war with your thought life! Instead of meditating on stress and worries, meditate on God's truths.
Print out key scriptures every week and paste them everywhere as reminders: on your bathroom mirror, fridge door, in your car, in your locker, etc. The more you see God's Word in your life, the more God's Word will direct your thought life!
1. "Love the Lord your God with all your STRENGTH."
Detroit was just named the FATTEST CITY in America!
Here's a resolution - resolve to become the Biggest Loser.
Your body is a TEMPLE of the living God. Don't atrophy your temple. Exercise it.
Start small - - walk more. Skip the elevator and take the stairs.
Develop self-discipline and get up 30 minutes earlier (by going to bed 30 minutes earlier!) to stretch and work up a sweat.
C'mon - this is a stewardship issue. Don't let God's temple become a trainwreck dump; take responsibility and exercise in the New Year!
BY THE WAY: You can always tell who is going to get control of their budget - - its the same people who are also taking care of their health.
Both involve self-discipline.
You can do it! Seize the psychology of a New Year fresh-start!
Passionately embrace the Greatest Commandment as your jumping-off point for a great year!