Whether you lead a team of paid staff
or high-impact volunteers,
you're the leader.
Together, your team can make what could be and should be actually become.
But you carry the vision banner forward.
Stay tuned into your team for the following:
- Vision leaks
- Communication sabotage from the Enemy
- Misunderstandings that sabotage hope
- Grumbling that looks backward
When these pop up on your leader, the sky is not falling.
Its just part of the cycle of leading a team.
Your team is the backbone of your organization.
When things feel brittle, the leader is the calcium in the backbone.
Refocus your team on Jesus.
Big, thundering Jesus.
His white-hot vision for your team will resolidify a sturdy backbone.
The late Dr. Martin de Maat used to always say to me,
"No one will ever follow you down the street
if you're carrying a banner that says,
'Onward toward mediocrity.'"
Let the fire in YOUR bones contagiously reignite THEIRS.
Leader, you are the calcium in your organization's backbone!