Jonathan Herron: Sunday Reflex | 04.18.10

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Sherri Hoy

Awesome sermon…… grrrrrrrreat job!!!!

Your words make it sooooooo very real for us!!!

Thanks for caring enough about us to let God work thru you!!

Connie Bouck

Boy todays sermon was so good, I had to sit through it twice. The first time i was being convicted so badly that my body, my physical body wanted to get up and leave. I cried through the whole service. The second service I found a friend of mine and sat with her. again i started to feel these urges to get up and leave and not face the forgiveness and freedom of Jesus. And I was crying almost uncontrollably through the whole second service. I guess i cant wait for the pod cast to come out.. I think i need to bang it into my head until I know the Truth, Until i believe the truth. It is one thing to sit in the sermon and hear it, but when you yourself struggle with that worthlessness and not being good enough…Like i said i need to hear that I am.. What a refreshment.

I went to the dollar store and bought a dry erase marker so that i could write the bible verse right on my bathroom mirror. The end of Roamans 8. I will get it in my heart. I will get it in my Head! The devil will not sabatoge me any longer.. I will be free!

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