NBC's bungled canceling of The Jay Leno Show and shifting Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show is a virtual 3 step manual on how NOT to lead an organization:
Step 1) Clarity in communication is paramount for leaders. Jumbled statements only create the climate for chaos, which leads to fear-based speculation. True leaders speak with courageous clarity and with one voice.
Step 2) Never leave your teammates hanging. If a talk needs to happen, it needs to be done quickly and privately (re-read that last word!). Public disputes never further the mission. Instead, the team needs to be 100% unified to build public trust and confidence.
Step 3) Leaders take responsibility. Sorry, but NBC head honcho Jeff Zucker needs to man up. Pushing the blame onto your staff isn't damage control, its stupid. Real men don't share the blame; they only share the wins! When you mess up, humbly take responsibility. Why? Because that's what leaders do.