Jonathan Herron: 7 Myths of Student Ministry

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Hoyt Bray

Jonathan!! just commenting on your site and just letting you know of little if you're a computer geek and have AOL instant messanger than my AIM - DontrustBlindGuy ...really interesting book about the 7 myths..looking forward to hearing more about is the new Casting Crowns CD?? i haven't checked it out yet...but it's awesome having you in the student ministries at New Spring

Sharon Herron

Hi Jon -- Grandma would be proud --
"That Jonathan, he's the best!!".
Seriously, was surprised to see Casting Crowns had a new CD - really enjoy their music. Thanks for the b'day card :)
Went to the Akron Zoo today - I am always in awe of God's beautiful creatures and His creativity (some call it intelligent design)knows no bounds. Anyway, love you and miss you guys. --Mom -- Hi to my grandcats also.

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