I've always loved Jonathan Edwards' resolutions:
- I will live for God.
- Even if no one else does, I still will.
Wow, talk about powerful and clear! It's great to have New Year's resolutions, but it's even better to transform those resolutions into a singular vision for the year.
In Proverbs 29:18, we are told that where there is no vision, the people perish. Having a vision can be a life or death thing!
I have a personal phrase I've adopted for this New Year that I want to share with you now: Fully Alive in 2025! I want to be alert, proactive, positive, in the moment (not daydreaming somewhere else), ready to Yes, And in 2025.
I've written down my vision statement inside my trusty Moleskin to help myself stay accountable. This is biblical; Habakkuk 2:2 says to write down the vision in plain language.
Every good vision requires sacrifice.
To fulfill my unique vision of the future, I have to make some sacrifices:
- Scripture before Screens
- Meditation before Media
- Prayer before Posts
By painting a picture of who I want to be in 2025, I am setting myself up for success in all areas of my life: personal, professional, etc.
Having a vision of the future is powerful; it's like painting a picture ala Bob Ross, complete with happy little trees and happy little mistakes along the way.
I want you to take some time today if you haven't already to develop a short, simple vision statement for your 2025. It doesn't have to rhyme or be overly-clever. But it does have to be written down somewhere that you will see it.
Create your vision statement and then begin re-ordering your daily routines around your vision. See how God can transform your New Year in new ways!