I've waited a long time to have a baby girl. One reason I was excited about a little girl is HAIR!!! This obssession only has grown in learning how to work with hair that is a very different texture than my own. It has become a hobby to seek out and find new hair products for my baby girl...and yes I spend more on her than I ever do for my own hair! I also love finding (and when there's time making) hair bows. This has lead to a containment problem. Hair accessories are everywhere! I searched for some ideas on pinterest and found the perfect DIY baby hair accessory holder! So, without further ado, here are the steps to make one for yourself...
Here are the supplies I started with: a basic picture frame, ribbon, spray paint, hooks, and decorative items such as buttons.
The first step is to measure for and screw in your hooks! I learned when searching for these at the craft store that they are called cup hooks. Makes total sense! I got out a tape measure and marked where to put these little guys in. One little tip that may help depending on your frame, is to go ahead and drill a small hole to get it started. After that, screwing these in is a piece of cake!
This is what it looks like when they are all in!
The next step is to spray paint the whole thing - hooks and all. Easy enough!
Isn't it so pretty already!?!
Next, you get out your selection of ribbon and decide on how you want to lay it out. I knew I would need a lot of space for all the clips and barrettes, so I decided on doing several rows of ribbon. If your are somewhat perfectionistic like myself, you may want to measure the spots where you will place the ribbon.
Now comes the real fun! Getting out your heavy duty stapler! Line up the ribbon (make sure it's facing the right direction!) and begin stapling until each ribbon is secure and taught!
This is what it should look like when you have all the ribbons stapled on.
You could just leave it as is, but I decided to add some little accents to mine. This was easy with the help of a hot glue gun, a wooden flower, and some pretty colored buttons.
Now you are ready to hang and attach/organize all your baby girl's hair accessories! I just love how it turned out!
I love how the color perfectly matches this pretty porcelain "February" birthday cake light!
One more close up for good measure (can you tell I'm proud?)...
Hope you found this step by step fun and helpful!
Posted at 10:23 PM in Ainsleigh | Permalink | Comments (0)
My head is spinning just thinking about the fact that our sweet little Ainsleigh Grace is already 11 months old! She will be one in less than a month - craziness! Her spunky personality becomes more obvious with each passing day. She is almost always happy. She is very people oriented like her big brother. She began "talking" just before Christmas and although she said "mama" first, "dada" is now her favorite word. She loves to bounce and is learning to stand independently. We just love her to pieces!
As you can see, Ainsleigh still loves her big brother. He can always make her smile! He loves her too and even told me so last week while we were playing in her room. *sigh*
Posted at 10:06 PM in Adoption, Ainsleigh | Permalink | Comments (0)
Our sweet princess turned 9 months old on Monday! Time is flying by! She has improved in her crawling speed over the month. She also has started to cruise a little bit. She wants to walk so bad! I have a feeling it won't be too long before that happens. She also is playing more - shaking toys around and such. She continues to be such a joyful addition to our family!
Posted at 11:37 AM in Adoption, Ainsleigh, Family | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 03:26 PM in Adoption, Ainsleigh, Family | Permalink | Comments (0)
We took advantage of the great weather last week combined with a day off school and headed to the local pumpkin patch! We had a great time picking out pumpkins for the front porch and seeing all the different animals. We made sure to save time to drink fresh cider and eat some freshly made doughnuts too!
The emu got a little too close for comfort!
Posted at 10:13 PM in Ainsleigh, Family, Josiah | Permalink | Comments (0)
Believe it or not, our baby girl is now 7 months old! She continues to be a very hapy little girl. Some new things from this month are being able to put herself into the sitting position from her stomach and finally mastering putting puffs into her mouth by herself! She continues to be sooooooo close to crawling. Not much else new for her this month.
Here are a few sweet pics I snapped of her on her 7 month birthday last week:
Posted at 07:28 PM in Adoption, Ainsleigh, Family | Permalink | Comments (1)
Here's our little princess at 6 Months old!
And here's the special smile that she saves for her favorite person: big brother Josiah:
Little Miss Ainsleigh Grace is such a joy to have around! We are truly blessed! She is learning and growing everyday. She loves life and is full of joy. She takes her food very seriously (my kind of girl)! Ainsleigh absolutely loves her brother and her little face lights up at the sight of him. Josiah is sweet on her too and often calls her the Little Princess. A princess, she is! She does not typically want to do things independently even though she's able. She wants everyone to wait on her. She also knows how to get a room full of adults to pay attention to her. She seems to share the dramatic talents of her brother and likes to put on a good show. She is a little cuddle bug and loves to be held. She even will pull your face to hers and give kisses - so sweet! That's Ainsleigh at 6 months!
Posted at 05:36 PM in Ainsleigh | Permalink | Comments (1)
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