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April 03, 2010


Sharon Herron

Loved the pictures --- Wow -- what a crowd! Also where did Josiah get his elephant basket -- really cute!

Tricia Phillips

Great pictures, Amber! It really was an amazing experience. We arrived at 9:30 a.m. and I got teary eyed seeing the crowd that had gathered already at that time... and then the cars just kept coming... it was TRULY a GOD filled event!!

Connie Bouck

So cute! Great Pics...

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Meet Amber

  • Amber is a 30 something woman who loves Jesus, her family, learning photography, digital scrapbooking and stumbling upon frugal finds! She has been married to Jon for nearly 14 years. She enjoys being a mom to her fun-loving son, Josiah and beautiful infant daughter, Ainsleigh. The "Herron hacienda" is completed by Slinky the Wiener dog.


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